Michelle Monaghan on the Challenge of Playing Twins
In her latest project Michelle Monaghan takes on not just one, but two roles in playing identical twins Leni and Gina in the Netflix series Echoes. Not only was she tasked with taking on double roles, but also playing twins who swap lives and identities with one and other created an even further layer of exploration. Even with her vast experience in the industry, one of the daunting aspects which was a new challenge for her as a performer was the tool of voiceover narration and trying to ensure it captured the necessary emotion. She credits the shows all female director team with helping her to track performances as well as having an incredible scene partner in her stand in who helped to explore different facets of scenes. This far into her career as an actor, she constantly leans in to new challenges and so this role was an exciting, if somewhat daunting prospect to dive into head on for her.
Watch the full conversation below.
Q&A on the Netflix series Echoes with actor Michelle Monaghan. Moderated by Mara Webster, In Creative Company.
Identical twin sisters Leni and Gina decide to swap their lives. However, there are dire consequences when one of the twins goes missing, causing both of their lives to rapidly fall apart.
Michelle Monaghan in Echoes