Oscar Nominated Editors of Tick, Tick…BOOM! on Making the Musical Sing

The Academy Award-nominated editors of tick,tick...BOOM!, Myron Kerstein and Andrew Weisblum join Mara Webster to talk about the film.

The first ten minutes of the film can make or break a film. Tick Tick...Boom's first ten minutes contain multiple elements from archival footage to voiceovers to introduce audiences to the world of Jonathan Larsen. For the editors, the stage performance works as a through-line throughout the film while also using the archival footage to set up the context. Andrew Weisblum and Myron Kerstein started by following the rules of a movie musical to set up the timeline in how they were going to introduce characters and interweave archival footage. Once they got the framework it was time to break the movie musical rules.

Each musical number has its own identity. The use of the stage performance as the setup for music numbers gave license for musical moments that make sense within the story. It serves to ground the audience as it moves through different locations, time periods, and characters throughout the story. It is a reference point to bring the focus back to Jonathan.

The film honors the complexities of Jonathan Larsen from his passions to anxieties. Jonathan wrestles with coming into his own and hasn't figured out how to make those choices. The editors had to balance those two issues without changing how the audience perceives him. It is important for them to capture how he feels busy with his career without coming off as selfish when Susan asks him to move out of the city with her.

-Jillian Chilingerian

Q&A on the Netflix film tick, tick...BOOM! with Oscar nominated editors Myron Kerstein and Andrew Weisblum. Moderated by Mara Webster, In Creative Company.

Based on the autobiographical musical by playwright Jonathan Larson. It's the story of an aspiring composer in New York City who is worried he made the wrong career choice, whilst navigating the pressures of love and friendship.


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